Spring Awakening – by Linda Sapadin
What is Wisdom?
Wisdom is more than knowing. It’s understanding, experience, insight and common sense. Others define wisdom in a more poetic way…
Albert Einstein: “Any fool can know. The point is to understand.”
Marilyn vos Savant: “To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe.”
Pierre Abelard: “The beginning of wisdom is found in doubting; by doubting we come to the question and by seeking we may come upon the truth.”
How does PsychWisdom Psychotherapy Work?
PsychWisdom Psychotherapy is a unique experience in which you safely explore and learn about your feelings, thoughts and behavior in a supportive, non-judgmental environment.
How Does PsychWisdom Coaching Work?
Coaching is an educational approach to helping you enhance personal performance. It has been used for many years in the arts and athletics. In these fields, a coach is considered absolutely necessary in order for an individual or team to achieve star status. Because coaching has been so successful in helping athletes and artists achieve their goals, it has made a rapid expansion into other areas of life. Coaching is particularly useful for those who those who are emotionally stable and want to move ahead in their careers.
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BOOK ALERT: Procrastinating your problem? Check out the books below.
How To Beat Procrastination in the Digital Age
Whether you’re a Perfectionist, Dreamer, Worrier, Crisis-Maker, Defier or Pleaser, this book is your roadmap to success. Psychologist Dr. Linda Sapadin, has created 6 unique change programs for 6 personality styles. The book contains a wealth of information that you’ll find nowhere else. No need for a personality makeover. Each program is designed to respect your personality style, so that you can develop the upgraded, enhanced version of you!
Take the Six Styles of Procrastination Quiz. Discover what fuels your procrastination. Learn empowering thinking skills, motivational language skills, effective action strategies and creative guided imagery. Two bonus chapters on “Making Change Happen,” and a Coda on “How Technology Can Boost Your Productivity” complete the program.
Stop regretting how you spend your time. You deserve better; you can do better. The skills, strategies and secrets in this book will enhance your career, enrich your relationships, empower your confidence and expand your well-being. Wow, what a payoff!
Click Here to get your copy today.
Overcoming Your Procrastination: College Student Edition
A must-have book for all college students. Does your daily diet consist of procrastination, self-flagellation and empty promises to do better next time? Imagine the toll this is taking on your psyche – not to mention your grades. Want to change your pattern without becoming a no-fun study nerd? Of course, it’s a no-brainer!
Yeah, I know it’s hard to outsmart your procrastination with so many, accessible, appealing, addictive distractions everywhere. Notifications ping. Entertainment entices. Social networks seduce. What’s a person to do? If it were a simple matter, like “making resolutions” or “just doing it,” surely your mom’s nagging would have cured you of it years ago. But that didn’t work. So, now it’s time to learn the skills that will make it happen!
Grab a copy of this book! Take a fun Personality Quiz! Once you know your style, head on over to the chapter dedicated to you. There you’ll discover a treasure trove of tips and insights to help you curb your procrastination and ace your assignments.
If you have even an ounce of interest in working smarter, not harder – read or listen to this book. You’ll get great insights into your personality that’ll help you do better in college and beyond. So, quit “wishing I could.” Grab your Kindle, audio or paperback copy of this helpful, entertaining book and “make it happen!”
Click here to get your copy today.
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Are You Living a Crazy Busy Lifestyle?
These days, the overextended life is the norm for many. People who gab about their bustling, buzzing, on-the-go life are rarely ashamed of it; indeed, there is a bit of boasting (despite the occasional sigh) about how insanely busy they are. Read Full Article Here.
Talking to Yourself: A Sign of Sanity
If you talk to yourself, does that mean you are losing it? Or, might it actually be a sign of sanity, making you smarter. Smarter, not daft?? Right! Read Full Article Here. For more Featured Articles see below.
What is Wisdom?
Wisdom is more than knowing. It’s understanding, experience, insight and common sense. Others define wisdom in a more poetic way…
Albert Einstein: “Any fool can know. The point is to understand.”
Marilyn vos Savant: “To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe.”
Pierre Abelard: “The beginning of wisdom is found in doubting; by doubting we come to the question and by seeking we may come upon the truth.”